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Aleksander Akimov: Do not panic, remain calm and prudent, take all measures for your safety

Message of the President of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation:

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation and on my own behalf, allow me to welcome you and express my great appreciation for your great contribution to the popularization and development of Mas-Wrestling in your countries!

Unfortunately, the Coronavirus Pandemic COVID-19 has changed our usual way of life. The first victims of this infection were inhabitants of China, South Korea, Italy, France and other countries. And is currently rapidly spreading in all the continents of our planet.

However, according to the latest news from the Hubei Health Commission in the city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the Pandemic, for several consecutive days new cases of the disease have not been recorded. This fact gives us all great hopes for a close end to this crisis. They achieved such rates thanks to a very responsible attitude to the precautions that were taken to combat the virus.

For carrying out a complex of anti-epidemic measures around the world, all mass events are canceled, and we were no exception. As you know, the International Mas-Wrestling Federation was forced to cancel a number of international events until the stabilization of the situation.

For safety reasons, many countries were forced to introduce a quarantine regime and close their boarders. We understand the importance, validity and urgency of this decision and urge you to treat this decision in the same way. Otherwise, non-compliance with the quarantine will lead to a worsening of the situation and the extension of restrictive measures.

Dear colleagues, friends!

I urge you not to be upset. Let's consider the quarantine as a long-awaited pause, that the whole world needed in this frantic pace of life. Quarantine is not only a limitation, but also new opportunities for communication. Using the Internet, we can outline a work plan for the current and future years. We can identify the main points and points on which it is necessary to focus in the future. We are open to communication.

For our part, we promise that as soon as the situation becomes more stable, the International Mas-Wrestling Federation will resume its activities in full.

Once again, I urge all the Mas-Wrestlers of the world to take care of yourself, take care of each other. Do not panic, remain calm and prudent, take all measures for your safety and the safety of those around you. Take care of yourself and your family, be safe and stay healthy.

Yours faithfully, the President of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation Alexander K. AKIMOV



Number of shows: 1328
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