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Mas-Wrestling Open International Tournament among senior boys, girls, juniors and junior girls within Mas-Wrestling World Cup 2017: II stage

REGULATIONS of the Mas-Wrestling Open International Tournament among senior boys, girls, juniors and junior girls within Mas-Wrestling World Cup 2017: II stage.

1. Date and competition venue

The competitions are held from 2 to 6 November, 2017 in Gyor (Hungary) on address: Hungary, Gyor, 37 Radnoti Miklosh st. Arrival day – November 2, 2017. Departure day – November 6, 2017. Arrival day – November 2, 2017. Departure day – November 6, 2017.


November 2 (Thursday) – Arrival day

November 3 (Friday):

10:00-14:00 – Registration and Admission Commission;

15:00-17:00 – Weigh-in and drawing of lots:

Senior boys: 50 kg and 70 kg;

Girls: 50 kg;

Juniors: 60 kg and 80 kg;

Junior girls: 60 kg.

17:00-18:00 – Panel of referees meeting with coaches and representatives of the teams.

18:00-20:00 – Educational and practical seminar.

November 4 (Saturday): the 1st competition day:

10:00-17:00 – Preliminary, consolation and final matches:

Senior boys: 50 kg and 70 kg;

Girls: 50 kg;

Juniors: 60 kg and 80 kg;

Junior girls: 60 kg.

17:00-18:00 – Weigh-in and drawing of lots:

Senior boys: 60 kg, 80 kg and over 80 kg;

Girls: 70 kg;

Juniors: over 80 kg;

Junior girls: 80 kg.

18:00-20:00 – Educational and practical seminar.

November 5 (Sunday): the 2nd competition day.

10:00-18:00 – Preliminary, consolation and final matches:

Senior boys: 60 kg, 80 kg and over 80 kg;

Girls: 70 kg;

Juniors: over 80 kg;

Junior girls: 80 kg.

November 6 (Monday) – Departure day.

* Changes are possible in the program.

2. Participation

Athletes are allowed to participate by the application of the National Federations:

- Senior boys and Girls – aged of 15-17;

- Juniors and Junior girls – aged of 18-21.

The age requirement for participation in the Tournament is indicated in the Article 2.

All participants are obliged to compete in sportswear according to the Rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation with the adopted changes accepted by the V Congress of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation on 4th September 2016:

- Senior boys, Juniors – Mas-Wrestling shorts (fitting tightly whole or free-breed) of the established sample by the IMWF, red or blue (according to drawing).

- Girls, junior girls – Mas-Wrestling shorts (fitting tightly whole or free-breed) and sports-shirt (T-shirt or top) of the established sample by the IMWF red or blue (according to drawing). Prohibited to wear two-colored (blue and red) of the sports-shirt (T-shirt or top) and shorts.

All participants are obliged to compete in sports shoes without spikes with soft sole. Prohibited to wear shoes with heels, sole with nails, clasps or other metal, plastic or sharp elements.

Allowed to use:

- Special belts with width not exceed 10 cm;

- Knee and elbow pads with width no more than 30 cm.

- Elbow pads;

- Sport taping;

- Supporting and fixing equipment;

- Grip aids without tacky composition in form of powder (magnesia, rosin) and liquid magnesia.

3. Applications

Preliminary applications with indication of number of athletes, coaches and representatives are accepted until October 30, 2017 on the addresses:

- Russian Federation, Yakutsk, Kirova st., 20/1, International Mas-Wrestling Federation, e-mail:, tel.: +7 (4112) 42-53-89; fax: +7 (4112) 34-00-90;

- Hungary, Hungarian Mas-Wrestling Federation, e-mail:

Applications signed by the Head of the National Federation and physician should be given to the Registration and Admission Commission and the following documents for each athlete:

- passport;

- insurance of life and health from accidents (original);

- medical reference approving admittance to the competitions.


Delegations needed VISA should send to the organizers the list of participants beforehand with the indication of full names, gender, passport numbers (issued and expiration dates), birth dates, scanned copy of the first page of passport.

5. Competitions

Competitions are individual and held according to the acting rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation accepted by the V Congress of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation on 4th September 2016:

Changes are possible in the system of the competitions according to the rules of the competitions depended on number of participants in weight categories:

- for 8 and more athletes in a weight category – by the system of direct elimination with consolation matches with finalists;

- for 7, 6 or 5 athletes in a weight category – system of elimination after two loses;

- for 4 or 3 athletes in a weight category – Round-Robin system;

- for 2 or less athletes in a weight category – the weight category joins to the next weight category.

Weight categories:

- Senior boys: 50 kg, 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, over 80 kg;

- Girls: 50 kg, 70 kg;

- Juniors: 60 kg, 80 kg, over 80 kg;

- Junior girls: 60 kg, 80 kg.

The final results (protocols) on paper and electronic form should be given to the International Mas-Wrestling Federation in 2 (two) weeks after ending the event.

6. Insurance

Participation in the competitions is allowed in case of presence of the insurance of life and health from accidents (original) for each athlete, which is given to the Registration and Admission Committee. Insurance fees of the athletes carry the sending organizations.

7. Safety

Competitions to be held in sport buildings, agreeable to the standards of corresponding standard rules of law, functioning in the territory of Hungary and directed to provide public order and safety of participants and spectators, in the presence of acts of operational readiness of sports buildings for the activities, approved in the prescribed order.

Qualified medical personnel should present at the competition venue.

8. Financing

All costs connected with the preparation and holding of the competition, under the terms of the equity, carry the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, Hungarian Mas-Wrestling Federation and the Organizing Committee on the competition venue.

Travel expenses (accommodation, food, insurance, VISA fees) of participants carry sending organizations.

9. Awarding

Top three athletes in weight categories to be awarded with medals and diplomas.

10. Marketing and advertising

The Organizing Committee guarantees maintenance of Sponsor rights by the partners and sponsors of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, appointed in the appropriate Agreements as well as basic principles of marketing of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.

 11. Media

The Organizing Committee guarantees accordance of the appropriate conditions of work on the event for accredited media representatives in accordance with the Statement of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation on mass-Media.

Mas-Wrestling Open International Tournament among senior boys, girls, juniors and junior girls within Mas-Wrestling World Cup 2017: II stage
Gyor, Hungary

Gyor, Hungary
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