WHEREAS that the National Sports being an essential part of the distinctive culture of the peoples in the world, able to be an effective facilities of physical and moral improvement of nations, mutual enrichment of cultures and tolerance, for peace and harmony.
RECOGNIZING that Mas-wrestling as the National sport, using the growing popularity, is available and massive, combining folk traditions and modern sports suits the standards, therefore representing a valuable thing for intensive development of human potential through physical education.
REALIZING that cooperation in Mas-wrestling popularization on International level will promote the development of intercultural contacts, widening the humanitarian contribution of people and organizations in various countries of the world.
ASPIRING to unite individuals and organizations interested in preserving the traditions of the nation of physical culture and sport, to spread of truth principles of organization of Mas-wrestling development, expansion of participating opportunity for athletes in competitions, regardless of nationality and gender, religion
We, the members of International Mas-Wrestling Federation, representatives of the National Mas-Wrestling Federations, athletes and coaches, being in Russian Federation, in the vast expanses of Yakutia – the home of this beautiful sport, accept this Memorandum and call to join all interested individuals and organizations who share the following principles and objectives:
- we declare our intentions to develop Mas-wrestling as a part of the cultural heritage of the nation, exerting a positive influence on the development of physical and moral human qualities;
- we organize our activities, uniting efforts of society to account for the development of Mas-wrestling in the state social policies of our countries;
- we assume responsibility for employment in sports training, organizing massive employment of Mas-wrestling safe and effective tools and techniques, providing the harmonious physical development of a person, without using of prohibited drugs and doping;
- our activities suppose the expansion of Mas-wrestling information, rules of competitions and judging, accessible and modern methods of sports training;
- we will contribute to the innovations of Mas-wrestling development, involving the scientific community in our activities, highly qualified experts of our countries;
- in all directions of our activities, we will be guided by the Olympic ideals and principles, set the task of presenting Mas-wrestling to official recognition by the International Olympic Committee for further development under its aegis.
This Memorandum is open for signing by individuals and organizations, it is necessary to inform the Executive Committee of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation of additional joining.
November 30, 2014, Yakutsk
Russian Federation