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Kolmar Cup International Mas-Wrestling Tournament - 2019

REGULATIONS Kolmar Cup International Mas-Wrestling Tournament 

I. Targets and goals
Competitions are held in order to popularize mas-wrestling in the world.
- Strengthening friendly sports ties between countries;
- identifying the strongest mas-wrestlers of the world

II. Dates and venue

Kolmar Cup International Mas-Wrestling Tournament will be held in Vladivostok (Russian Federation), IV Eastern Economic Forum, address: Russky Island, Far East Street Exhibition, September 2-7, 2019. September 2,3 - arrival days, September 7 - departure day. 

III. Management
The general management of the preparation and conduct of the competitions is carried out by the All-Russian Mas-Wrestling Federation, the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, MC Kolmar LLC, Republican Center for National Sports named after Vasiliy Manchaary and the Organizing Committee of the Eastern Economic Forum.
The direct conduct of the competition rests with the Main Jury, approved by the International Mas-Wrestling Federation

IV. Competition conditions and Competitors

Competitions are individual and held in same weight category among men till 105 kg, held according to the existing rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, by the system with elimination after 2 (two) defeats, with division into groups “A” and “B”. Minimal weight category of participants - 85 kg.

In the first round the pairs are formed according to drawing. The athletes who won their matches continue to compete in group “A” up to getting into the final, defeated ones continue to compete in group “B” and have the right to bout only for the third place. If in group “B” are left only two athletes who were earlier meet each other in group “A”, then they are given repeated bout for the third place. All athletes who have defeated 2 (two) times leave competitions. In case of odd number of athletes, the athlete occupying the last number in drawing becomes free in this round and in the following round of competitions goes to the top of the competition table and competes from the red side of platform. The final results are presented to the International federation of mas-wrestling within two weeks from the date of the end of competitions.

16 athletes among man are able to compete in the tournament, who passed medical examination and allowed to do strength sports by personal invitation of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.

All athletes are obliged to compete in sports uniform according to the Mas-Wrestling International rules - Mas-Wrestling shorts of the established sample by the IMWF, red or blue(according to drawing) and sports shoes without spikes, with soft sole. It's forbidden to use shoes with heels, high sole, nailed sole, with buckles or metal, plastic and sharpened elements.   

For the purpose of prevention of sports injuries it's allowed to use:

- elastic bandage width not exceeding 15 cm;

- special belt width not exceeding 10 cm and it's weigh should not exceed 1,5 kg;

- knee and elbow pads width not exceeding 30 cm;

- hands pads, the size not exceeding the sizes of a palm of the athlete on width and height, although it's prohibited to use any liquid substance to wet hands pads;

- sport taping;

- grip aids without tacky composition in powder (magnesia, rosin), liquid magnesia. 

V. Program 
September 2-3 (Monday, Tuesday) - days of arrival;
September 4 (Wednesday) - the work of the commission for registration and admission of participants;
September 5 (Thursday) - competition day;
September 6 (Friday) - competition day;
September 7 (Saturday) - day of departure.

VI. Stock take

The winner and prize-winners of the tournament are defined according to Rules and Regulations. The final results (protocols) and reports on paper and electronic carriers will be provided to the International Federation of Mas-Wrestling and the Ministry of Sport of Russian Federation within ten days after the end of the Championship.

VII. Awarding

The winner and prize-winner be awarded with diplomas, medals and money prizes.

Prize and souvenirs is provided by organizers of the tournament in coordination.

VIII. Financing

The financial provision related with organizational expenses on preparation and conducting competitions is provides by organizers according to an expense budget in coordination without attraction of financial resources from the federal budget.

All expenses concerning preparation and conducting of the competitions is on the responsibility of the MC Kolmar LLC, Russian Mas-Wrestling Federation, International Mas-Wrestling Federation and SBD of RS(Y) "Republican center of national sports named after V. Manchaary".

Visa expenses lies on sending organizations.

IX. Safety

Safety of participants and audience is providing according to requirements of Rules of safety when holding the official sports competitions approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation from April 18, 2018, №353; order of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from November 17, 2015 №1092 "About the approval of Requirements to separate infrastructure facilities of venues of official sports competitions and to hardware of stadiums for ensuring public order and public security"

Health care is providing according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from March 1, 2016 №134-n "About an order of the organization of delivery of health care to the persons playing physical culture and sport (including by preparation and holding sports actions and sporting events), including an order of medical examination of the persons wishing to have sports training, to play physical culture and sport in the organizations and (or) is ready to execute standards of tests of the All-Russian sports complex "To work and defense""

Competition will be held in accordance with corresponding standard rules of law, functioning in the territory of the Russian Federation and directed to provide public order and safety of participants and spectators, in the presence of acts of operational readiness of buildings for the event holding, approved in the prescribed order.

X. Insurance of participants

Participation in the Championship is performed only in the presence of supporting documents about life insurance and health from accidents on each participant.

Insurance of participants is provide at the expense of the sending organizations.

XI. Visa
Athletes, who need VISA for entrance and stay on the territory of Russian Federation, should submit concerned information for VISA with passport copy until July 15, 2019 at the address:  Russian Federation, Moscow, Myasnitskiy proezd, house 3, building 1, office 611, International Mas-Wrestling Federation, e-mail: 
XII. Applications
Nominal applications should be given to the Admission Commission on arrival day. Participants are obliged to present their passports and original insurance agreements from the accident to the Admission Commission. Participants are insured at the expense of sending organizations.

XIII. Marketing and advertising
The Organizing Committee guarantees maintenance of Sponsor rights for the partners and sponsors of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, appointed in the appropriate Agreements as well as basic principles of marketing of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
Kolmar Cup International Mas-Wrestling Tournament - 2019
Russkii island, Vladivostok, Primorskii region, Russia

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