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Mas-Wrestling International Tournament among Juniors and Junior girls within Mas-Wrestling World Cup 2019: Final

REGULATIONS of the Mas-Wrestling Open International Tournament among juniors and junior girls within Mas-Wrestling World Cup 2019: Final.

1. Date and competition venue

Open International Tournament among juniors and junior girls within Mas-Wrestling World Cup 2019: Final is held from 14 to 18 November 2019, Pabianice (Poland) at district gym, address: 95-200 Pabianice, ul.Świętego Jana 30-36. 

Arrival day - November 14, 2019, departure day - November 18, 2019.


November 14 (Thursday) - Arrival day.

November 15 (Friday)

12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. – Registration and admission of participants;

3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. – Weighing and draw of participants: Juniors - 60 kg, 80 kg and over 80 kg;  Junior girls - 60 kg, 80 kg;

5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. – Meeting of a judiciary board with trainers and representatives of countries.

November 16, (Saturday) - First competition day.

10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. – Preliminary, consolatory and final matches: Juniors - 60 kg, 80 kg and over 80 kg; Junior girls - 60 kg, 80 kg;

November 17 (Sunday) - Second competition day.

10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. – Final matches: Juniors - 60 kg, 80 kg and over 80 kg; Junior girls 60 kg, 80 kg;

November 18 (Monday) - Departure day.

May be changes in the program.

2. Participation

Athletes are allowed to participate by the application of the National Federations: Juniors and Junior girls - 18-21 y.o.

The specified number of years the athlete must reach before the day the competition begins. All participants are obliged to compete in sportswear according to the Rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation:

- Juniors – Mas-Wrestling shorts (fitting tightly whole or free-breed) of the established sample by the IMWF, red or blue (according to drawing).

- Junior girls – Mas-Wrestling shorts (fitting tightly whole or free-breed) and sports-shirt (T-shirt or top) of the established sample by the IMWF red or blue (according to drawing). Prohibited to wear two-colored (blue and red) of the sports-shirt (T-shirt or top) and shorts.

All participants are obliged to compete in sports shoes without spikes with soft sole. Prohibited to wear shoes with heels, sole with nails, clasps or other metal, plastic or sharp elements.

For the purpose of prevention of sports injuries it's allowed to use:

- elastic bandage width not exceeding 25 cm;

- special belts with width not exceed 10 cm and weigh should not exceed 1.5 kg;

- knee and elbow pads with width no more than 30 cm;

- hands pads, the size not exceeding the sizes of a palm of the athlete on width and height, although it's prohibited to use any liquid substance to wet hands pads;

- sport taping;

- grip aids without tacky composition in powder (magnesia, rosin), liquid magnesia.

Participants of competitions should have a single form of clothing. During the competitions, on the parade and the awarding ceremony, athletes and seconds (representatives of delegations or coaches) must have a ceremonial sportswear and the flag of the representing country.

3. Application

Preliminary applications with the obligatory indication of number of athletes, coaches, referees and representatives are submit to 2 (two) addresses at the same time till October 21, 2019:

- Russian Federation, Yakutsk, Kirova st. 20/1, International Mas-Wrestling Federation, e-mail:, phone: +74112508572;

- Poland, Pabianice, e-mail:, phone: +48690309966.

To the commission on registration and the admission of participants to competition are submitting applications signed by doctor and head of the national federation, also documents of each athlete:

- passport;

- insurance of life and health from accidents (original).


Delegations needed VISA should send to the organizers the list of participants beforehand with the indication of full names, gender, passport numbers (issued and expiration dates), birth dates, scanned copy of the first informative page of passport.

5. Competitions

Competitions are individual and held according to the acting rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation. Depending on the number of participants in weigh categories there are may be changes according to competition rules in the system of competitions:

- or 6 and more athletes in weigh category - by the system with elimination after two defeats, with division into groups “A” and “B”;

- for 5, 4 or 3 athletes in weigh category - there will be applied circular system;

- for 2 or less athletes in weigh category - they join to another weigh category;

- Juniors: 60 kg, 80 kg and over 80 kg;

- Junior girls 60 kg, 80 kg.

The final results (protocols) on paper and electronic form should be given to the International federation of mas-wrestling within two weeks from the date of the end of competitions.

6. Insurance

Participation in competitions is allowed only if each participants have an original contract of life and health insurance against accidents, which is submitted to the commission for registration and admission of participants. Expenses of the insurance of participants is provide the sending organizations.

7. Safety

Competition is held in accordance with corresponding standard rules of law, functioning in the territory of Poland and directed to provide public order and safety of participants and spectators, in the presence of acts of operational readiness of buildings for the event holding, approved in the prescribed order.

In venues of competitions there have to be the qualified medical personnel.

8. Financing

Expenses concerning preparation and conducting of the competitions on conditions of equity participation is on the responsibility of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, SBD of RS(Y) "Republican center of national sports named after V. Manchaary", Polish Mas-Wrestling Federation and organizing committee by venue.

Expenses on sending of participants of competitions and judges (travel, accommodation, meal, insurance, visa expenses) provide the sending organizations.

9. Awarding

Top three athletes in weight categories to be awarded with medals and diplomas.

10. Marketing and advertising

The organizing committee guarantees observance of the sponsor's rights to partners and sponsors of International Mas-Wrestling Federation provided in the relevant agreements, including in the guidelines of marketing of International Mas-Wrestling Federation.

11. Mass media

The organizing committee guarantees granting the corresponding working conditions at competitions for the accredited members of the media according to the guide of International Mas-Wrestling Federation to mass media.

Mas-Wrestling International Tournament among Juniors and Junior girls within Mas-Wrestling World Cup 2019: Final
95-200 Pabianice, ul.Świętego Jana 30-36, Pabianice , Poland

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