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2021 Olympia World MAS Wrestling Tournament -Orlando

Regulations of Tournament
1. Goals and objectives
Tournament is held with the aim to popularize and develop Mas-Wrestling in the world.
Strengthening friendly sportive relationship among countries;
Determination of the Mas-Wrestling strongest athlete in contested weight categories.

2. Time and competition venue
Orlando Florida
Orange County Convention Center West (Hall E)

6:00pm -8:00pm Registration and weigh-in MAS Wrestling
9:00am –Late Registration and weigh-in MAS Wrestling
10:00am –MAS wrestling workshop followed by hands-on audience participation
1:30pm- MAS Wrestling Tournament Preliminary Rounds
4:00pm – 5:00pm MAS wrestling hands-on audience participation
3:00pm - 5:00pm MAS Wrestling Final Rounds and Award Ceremony

3. Management of event
General management of preparation and conducting of the Tournament lies with MAS Wrestling USA, International Mas-Wrestling Federation and the Organizing Committee of the competition venue.
Direct responsibility of conducting the event carried on the Organizing Committee of the competition venue, MAS Wrestling USA and Ground of Jury, confirmed by the IMWF.

4. Participants
Allowed to participate all MAS Wrestling USA members and members of National Federations affiliated with the IMWF, aged of 18 (age determines on the very day of competition), passed medical examination and permitted to engage in power sports.

All athletes must have sportswear according to Mas-Wrestling rules:
Men – special sportswear for Mas-Wrestling of the prescribed sample by the IMWF – tight-fitting or free-breed shorts for Mas-Wrestling (red and blue), sports shoes without spikes.
Women – special sportswear for Mas-Wrestling of the prescribed sample by the IMWF – tight-fitting or free-breed shorts for Mas-Wrestling (red and blue), sports jersey or T-shirt, sport shoes without spikes.

5. Conditions of the competitions
MEN’s weight categories are -90kg (-198lb); -105kg (-231lb; and Absolute/Open +105kg (+231lb), and WOMEN’s weight categories are -70kg (-154lb), and +70kg (+154lb). Weight categories with 2 or less athletes merged with next higher weight category; weight categories with 3-5 athletes conducted in Round Robin format; and weight categories with 6 or more athletes conducted in the actual International Mas-Wrestling Federation Rules Article 2.1 by the System with elimination after 2 (two) losses.

6. Awarding
Top three athletes (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) in each weight category are awarded with diplomas, and medals. Champion in each weight category receives Championship Belt.

7. Financing
All expenses concerning preparation and conducting of the competitions the responsibility of MAS Wrestling USA, International Mas-Wrestling Federation and the Organizing Committee of the venue under conditions of partnership. Travel expenses, accommodation, nutrition and local transportation fees of participants, coaches and representatives carry sending organizations.

8. Applications
Entry fee US$75 on or before October 1, 2021;
Late Entry fee after October 1 is $100.00

All athletes, coaches and officials must register online by following link below:
Questions can be directed to Odd Haugen or Lena Tomskaya

2021 Olympia World MAS Wrestling Tournament -Orlando
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Orlando, Florida, United States of America

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