Mas-wrestling European Championship - 2018
Aims and objectives
Competitions are held with the aim of popularization and development of Mas-Wrestling in Europe.
1. Strengthening friendly sportive relationship among European countries;
2. Determination of Mas-Wrestling strongest athletes of Europe.
Date and time
Competition to be held from 16 to 20 of August 2018, in Azerbaijan, Baku, Baku Sports Palace, 26a Neftchilar Avenue. Arrival day – August 16, 2018, departure day – August 20, 2018.
August 16, 2018 (Thursday) – Arrival day
August 17, 2018 (Friday):
- Registration and admission Commission;
- Weigh-in:
Men 60 kg, 80 kg, 125 kg
Women – 55 kg, 75 kg, over 75 kg.
- Panel of judges meeting with coaches and team representatives.
August 18, 2018 (Saturday)
- Competitions: Men 60 kg, 80 kg, 125 kg and Women 55 kg, 75 kg, over 85 kg.
- Opening ceremony
- Weigh-in:
Men 70 kg, 90 kg, 105 kg, over 125 kg,
Women 65 kg, 85 kg;
- Awarding of winners and prize-winners of the 1st competition day;
August 19, 2018 (Sunday)
- Competitions: Men 70 kg, 90 kg, 105 kg, over 125 kg and Women 65 kg, 85 kg.
- Awarding of winners and prize-winners of the 2nd competition day;
August 20, 2018 (Monday) – Departure day.
*Changes are possible in Program
Management of event
General management of preparation and holding of Mas-Wrestling European Championship lies on the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, Mas-Wrestling Federation of Azerbaijan Republic and Organizing Committee.
Direct responsibility of holding the event carried on the Organizing Committee and Ground Jury, confirmed by the IMWF.
Allowed to participate athletes aged of 18 (age determines on the very day of competition), passed medical examination and permitted to engage in power sports by the application of the National Mas-Wrestling Federations or authorized bodies.
The National Federations, except Russian Mas-Wrestling Federation, are entitled to be represented up to 24 (twenty four) athletes, up to 3 (three) athlete in each weight category.
Mas-Wrestling Federation of Azerbaijan Republic, as hosting country of the Championship, has right to be represented up to 36 (thirty six) athletes, up to 3 (three) athlete in each weight category.
Russian Mas-Wrestling Federation is entitled to be represented up to 12 (twelve) athletes, up to 1 (one) athlete in each weight category.
All athletes should have sports uniform according to the international Mas-Wrestling rules:
- Men – Mas-Wrestling shorts (fitting tightly whole or free-breed) of the established sample by the IMWF, red or blue (according to drawing).
- Women – Mas-Wrestling shorts (fitting tightly whole or free-breed) and sports-shirt (T-shirt or top) of the established sample by the IMWF red or blue (according to drawing). Prohibited to wear two-colored (blue and red) of the sports-shirt (T-shirt or top) and shorts.
- All participants are obliged to compete in sports shoes without spikes with soft sole. Prohibited to wear shoes with heels, sole with nails, clasps or other metal, plastic or sharp elements.
Allowed to use:
- special belts with width not exceed 10 cm;
- knee and elbow pads with width no more than 30 cm.
- elbow pads;
- sport taping;
- supporting and fixing equipment;
- grip aids without tacky composition in form of powder (magnesia, rosin) and liquid magnesia.
Participation in the competitions is allowed only in case of presence of the insurance of life and health from accidents (original) for each athlete, which is given to the Registration and Admission Commission. Insurance fees of the athletes carry sending organizations.
Conditions of competition holding
Competitions are individual and holding according to actual rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation:
- for 8 and more athletes in weight category by the system of direct elimination with consolation matches with finalists;
- for 7, 6 or 5 athletes in weight category by the system with elimination after 2 defeats;
- for 3 or 4 athletes in weight category should be used round robin system;
- for 2 and less athletes, weight category joins to the next higher weight category.
Weight categories:
- Men – 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 105 kg, 125 kg and over 125 kg;
- Women – 55 kg, 65 kg, 75 kg, 85 kg and over 85 kg.
The final results (protocols) on paper and electronic form should be given to the International Mas-Wrestling Federation in 2 (two) weeks after the event is over.
Determination of winners:
According to the results of the competitions an unofficial team result is deduced from the performance of the best 12 (twelve) athletes, regardless of weight categories. The team total is displayed on points, according to the number of medals won:
1 place – 12 points;
2 place – 8 points;
3 place – 5 points.
In case of equal points among two or more team, priority is determined by most number of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. places.
Top three athletes in each weight category to be awarded with diplomas, medals and prize money. Top three team to be awarded with diplomas and cups.
Competitions to be held in sport buildings, agreeable to the standards of corresponding standard rules of law, functioning in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and directed to provide public order and safety of participants and spectators, in the presence of acts of operational readiness of sports buildings for the activities, approved in the prescribed order.
Qualified medical personnel should present in the competition venue.
All costs connected with the preparation and holding of the competition, under the terms of the equity, carry the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, Azerbaijan Mas-Wrestling Federation, Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Organizing Committee on the competition venue.
Travel expenses (air tickets, accommodation, food, internal transfer) of athletes, coaches and representatives carry sending organizations.
Delegations, which are needed VISA for entrance and stay on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, should submit (until August 1, 2018) to the organizer for VISA a list of participants with their full name, gender, passport numbers (as well as date of issuance and expiration date), date of birth, scanned copy of the first informative page of their passports.
Preliminary applications for participation in the competition with the indication number of athletes, coaches and representatives are accepted until July 16, 2018:
- Russian Federation, Yakutsk, Kirov st., 20/1, International Mas-Wrestling Federation, e-mail:, tel.: +7 (4112) 42 53 89; fax: +7 (4112) 34-00-90;
- The Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, A.Aliev street 5/29, Mas-Wrestling Federation of the Azerbaijan Republic, e-mail:, tel. +99450-3211834, +99455 3111318.
Nominal applications should be given to the registration and admission Commission on arrival day, signed by the head of National Federation and the qualified medical person. Participant must present passport and original insurance agreement from the accident to the registration and admission Commission. Insurance fees of the participants lie on the sending organization.
Marketing and advertising
The Organizing Committee guarantees maintenance of Sponsor rights by the partners and sponsors of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, appointed in the appropriate Agreements as well as basic principles of marketing of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
The Organizing Committee guarantees accordance of the appropriate conditions of work on the event for accredited media representatives in accordance with the Statement of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation on Mass-Media.
These Regulations – official invitation to the competitions