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Mas-Wrestling World Absolute Championships - 2017

Mas-Wrestling World Absolute Championship - 2017 REGULATIONS

1. Aims and objectives

Competitions are held with the aim to popularize and development of Mas-Wrestling in the world.


- strengthening of friendly sports relations among countries;

- determination of the strongest athletes of the world in Mas-Wrestling in absolute weight category.

2. Time and competition venue

Mas-Wrestling World Absolute Championship to be held March 2-6, 2017 in Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus (Ohio, USA).


March 2 (Thursday) – Arrival day.

17:00 – 19:00 – Registration and Admission Commission. Weigh-in and drawing.

19:00 – 20:00 – Panel of judges meeting with the teams’ representatives.

March 3 (Friday) – Rogue Strength Arena, Greater Columbus Convention Center

09:00 – 11:30 – Preliminary Session. Men and women.

15:00 – 16:00 – Final Session. Men.

March 4 (Saturday) – Concourse Stage, Greater Columbus Convention Center

12:00 – 13:00 – Final Session. Women.

March 5 (Sunday) – Departure day.

* Changes are possible in the program.

3. Organizers

General management of preparation and holding of Mas-Wrestling World Absolute Championship lies on MAS-Wrestling USA, the International Mas-Wrestling Federation and the Organizing Committee on the competition venue.

Direct responsibility of holding the event carried on the Organizing Committee on the competition venue, MAS-Wrestling USA and Ground Jury, confirmed by the IMWF.

4. Participants

The best athletes among men and women according to the admission of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation are able to participate in the Championship, not younger than 18 years on the date of competitions which have passed medical examination and not having contraindications to occupations strength sports.

Athletes are obliged to have sportswear according to rules of competitions:

- men – special sportswear for Mas-Wrestling of the established sample by the IMWF – fitting or loose fit shorts for Mas-Wrestling, sports shoes without spikes.

- women – special sportswear for Mas-Wrestling of the established sample by the IMWF– fitting or loose fit shorts for Mas-Wrestling, sports undershirt or T-shirt, sports shoes without spikes.

5. Conditions of the competitions

Competitions are individual and held in absolute weight category among men and women by the acting rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, by the system with elimination after 2 (two) defeats, with division into groups “A” and “B”:

In the first round the pairs are formed according to drawing. The athletes who won the matches continue to compete in group “A” up to getting into the final, defeated ones continue to compete in group “B” and have the right to bout only for the third place. If in group “B” there were two athletes who were earlier meet each other in group “A”, then they are given repeated bout for the third place. All athletes who have defeated 2 (two) times leave competition. In case of odd number of athletes, the athlete occupying the last number in drawing, becomes free in this round and in the following round of competitions goes to the top of the competition table and competes from the red side of platform.

6. Awarding

Top three athletes (1st, 2nd and 3rd places) are awarded with diplomas, medals and prize money. The rest of athletes receive bonus awarding.

7. Financing

All expenses concerning preparation and conducting of the competitions the responsibility of MAS-Wrestling USA, the International Mas-Wrestling Federation and the Organizing Committee of the venue under conditions of partnership.

Visa, travel expenses, accommodation, nutrition and local transportation fees of participants, coaches and representatives lies on sending organizations.

8. Applications

Preliminary applications with the number of athletes, coaches and representatives are accepted until January 31, 2017 at the addresses:

- Russian Federation, Yakutsk, Kirova st., 20/1, International Mas-Wrestling Federation, e-mail:, tel.: +7 (4112) 32-50-64; fax: +7 (4112) 34-00-90;

- United States of America, California, Newbury Park, 212 Heavenly Valley Road, MAS-Wrestling USA, e-mail:, tel: +1(805)444 5720

Nominal applications should be given to the Mandate Commission on arrival day. Participant must present passport and original insurance of accident to the Mandate Commission. Insurance fees lie on sending organization.

These Regulations – official invitation to the competitions



Mas-Wrestling World Absolute Championships - 2017
Columbus, USA, Ohio,
Greater Columbus Convention Center

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