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Darryl Aldridge, USA: Everybody is supported, and all athletes take care of each other

We continue publish a series of Lee Martin blitz interviews with the participants of the 2020 ROGUE® Arnold Classic Championship International MAS Wrestling Tournament as a part of the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival.

Lee Martin: Hi! I’m Lee Martin from IMWF.

Darryl Aldridge: I’m Darryl Aldridge

Lee: How old are you?

Darryl: Thirty-two.

Lee: How did you find out about mas-wrestling?

Darryl: I practiced back home in Virginia.

Chad Clark, he was at the last Strongman meet and he basically told me about this. So, I’ve only done it a handful of times but I enjoy the sport.

Lee: What makes you love this sport?

Darryl: It’s just the atmosphere. Everybody is supported, and all athletes take care of each other. It makes better experience when the sportsmanship is there.

Darryl: It’s a community of athletes, everybody’s here for the same things and nobody afraid to cheer somebody else on.

Lee: Hey, you know what man! You’re a pioneer in the sport here in North America and we really appreciate it!

Thank you very much!

Darryl: Thanks!

This guy with very kind eyes showed his sincere interest in mas-wrestling and I asked him to add more about himself.

So, here is what a beginner mas-wrestler tells about himself:

My name is Darryl Aldridge. I'm born in raised from Richmond, VA. I'm 32 years old. 

I have been a Special Education teacher for almost six years. 

I have been competing Strongman for a little over a year. I only have a few months of training in Mas-Wrestling. 

I am the founder and owner of Silverback Strong, LLC. 

I have a passion for helping others and love to see others be the best versions of themselves. 

I started my fitness journey about four years ago and gained more focus for building strength and wellness.

These days, when the insidious invisible enemy made everyone sit at home and not work, all the coaches have a hard time. Let's pass through this difficulties together supporting each other in the hope of better times when we shall all return to our gyms and enjoy our favorite sport.

Author: Lena Tomskaya
Number of shows: 1993
Country:  United States of America
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