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Mas-wrestling in the homeland of Olympism

On January 25, at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) under the President of the Russian Federation, a meeting was held between the Senator of the Russian Federation, President of the IMWF Alexander Akimov and his Greek counterparts Spiros Karavoulis and Elena Vyhodet.

Alexander Akimov, in accordance with the Message of the Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Aisen Nikolaev dated December 15, 2021, where the task was set to promote mas-wrestling to the Olympic program, met today with representatives of the Hellenic Wrestling Federation, recognized by the International Mas-Wrestling Federation as the only sports organization, responsible for the development of mas-wrestling in the country.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged work plans for the near future, and also discussed further prospects for cooperation.

Greece will host the Continental Mas-Wrestling Championship for the first time. This decision was made at the annual Conference of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation in Finland. The dates of the European Championship in the Greek city of Loutraki are May 20-23, 2022.

In order to promote mas-wrestling globally on the world stage, it was decided to make the most of the territory of the homeland of Olympism. And the first step in this direction will be the inclusion of mas-wrestling in the list of sports, along with the ancient Greek ones, which will be taught at the Academy of Sports under the special program "Meet the Olympians" in the city of Olympia. 

Here it is more than appropriate to recall that the ancient city of Olympia, where the fire of the Olympic Games is lit, and the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - the city of Yakutsk are sister cities. In this regard, the delegation of Yakutia twice took part in the ceremonies of lighting the fire of the Olympics - in Sochi and Rio de Janeiro. In Olympia, the Yakut hitching post Serge was installed in honor of these historical events. The sacred totem was installed by a great friend of the world mas-wrestling, sponsor and philanthropist, general director of the Kierge jewelry company Alexander Pavlov. So, we can say that everything came together. Ancient Hellas and the Land of Olonkho seem to have united and bless their sons and daughters for a good cause in the name of peace and friendship on Earth.

In a simple words, two Academies - in Greece and Yakutia - will start cooperation this year to train coaches and judges in mas-wrestling. For this, specialists from the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov and Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, to prepare a program of training courses in two languages ​​and to identify lecturers with knowledge of English or to train foreign specialists.

So, the year begins only with good news. Qualifying competitions are ahead in all countries - members of the large and friendly family of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation. And this is neither more nor less, more than 50 countries of the world. From all over the world, applications are already being received for participation in the Mas-Wrestling World Championship, which will be hosted by Yakutsk at the end of June during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the republic. We all live in anticipation of this grand event. It's a completely different story. But I am sure that none of my colleagues in the world mas-wrestling will be indifferent to the idea of ​​meetings on the land that gave us the Olympic Games.

President of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation Alexander Akimov highly appreciated today's meeting with colleagues from Greece, expressed the hope that the pandemic will soon subside and we will all return to our usual work schedule and with even greater determination continue the work we have begun and raise the banners of mas-wrestling even to a greater height. 

Author: Лена Томская
Number of shows: 1391
Country:  Greece
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