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Kyrgyz mas-wrestlers saddled the horses of fortune

Four belts of the champions fly to Kyrgyzstan after battles on the mas-wrestling platform of the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio, USA.

Our Kyrgyz brothers began the 2023 with a triumphant performance on the mas-wrestling platform  in the city of Columbus, where recently ended the meetings of the strongest mas-wrestlers of different countries.

Kyrgyz  delegation flew abroad, charged only to win, to conquer the next sports peak. Let us recall that before that it was already conquered by Azat Tastanbekov, who was the first of the Kyrgyz to wear the belt of the champion at this prestigious tournament.

This time the competition was held under the auspices of the new sports organization United World MAS  Wrestling Alliance, created by Odd Hogen in six weight categories. According to the conditions of the tournament, athletes had the right to compete in more than one weight. Kyrgyz mas-wrestlers had risked to compete in their weights categories and above. And did not miscalculate. The Internet is now full of their photos in beautiful champion belts. The winning titles of the Arnold Classic Mas-wrestling Championship - 2023 now have:

Azamat Asanov - up to 80 kg and up to 95 kg

Imankanova Dilbara - up to 72.5 kg and over 72.5 kg

Ataibek uulu Keldibek - up to 120 and in the absolute category.

Behind this dry statistical information is the hard and invisible work of a coach. Congratulations to the colleague Marat Ramatov, who reaps the benefits of his honest work. The titles of his pupils are a vivid testimony to his pedagogical talent. The key to his coaching success lies in his sincere, paternal attitude towards his students. They respond to him with their success on a global level. And it looks like this is just the beginning of their victories.

The International Mas-wrestling Federation creates all conditions for the growth of the performance of the mas-wrestling national federations, for the successful sports career of members of their organizations. There are many interesting starts ahead of us. We wish the victors of the last tournament in the United States of America further success and see them on other mas-wrestling platforms.

The resounding victory of the Kyrgyz mas-wrestlers is a challenge for the rest! Catch up if you can! 


Author: Lena Tomskaya
Number of shows: 549
Country:  Kyrgyzstan
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