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The police of Mongolia have risen to the platform of mas-wrestling!

Mongolian Mas-Wrestling is ten years old this year!  By the anniversary, the national federation is firmly infected.

The leader of the organization Munkhsuren Erdenebaatar is a responsible person. The daughter of a true nomad was born and raised in the steppe. An excellent rider, she is determined not to engage. It is only worth mentioning how she led her team in Uzbekistan for the medals of the Asian Mas-Wrestling Championship. Due to lack of funds for travel, Munkhsuren decided to travel by land. The Mongolian athletes had to overcome the path of 4,500 km, cross the borders of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, first of all, before they ended up in the cities of the Asian championship - in Almalyk. The long trip took four days in one direction only.

Purposeful people are always looking for opportunities, reaching big obstacles on the way to their dreams, while others are looking for reasons to stay comfortable. This act of Munkhsuren Erdenebaatar was appreciated by all colleagues and the President of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation Alexander Akimov gave instructions to support in everything the National Mas-Wrestling Federation of the fraternal country.

Munkhsuren, with the support of his life partner, Vice-President of the Asian Mas-Wrestling Federation Erdenevaanchig Batbaatar, sets a global goal - to cover the entire country. Mas-wrestling competitions this year are held not only in sports clubs and societies, but also in various departments of the country. Below we will talk about only one of them - defender the rule of law in the country.

The Mas-Wrestling Federation did not put off for a long time and mas-wrestling competitions among police officers started in January, right after the holiday weekend. Starting in rare aimags (districts), they covered the whole of Mongolia. Somewhere just in yurts, somewhere in the finishing rooms, people in police uniforms clicked their heels, reporting to their superiors about the start of mas-wrestling. Thus, tournaments were held in all 21 tuv-aimags of the country and 9 districts of the capital. Mas-wrestling was liked by everyone, because the competitions are characterized by simplicity of organization, democracy and simple rules for participants, and audience arouses sincere emotions and excitement.

On March 25-26 in the gym of the Police Department of Ulaanbaatar took place the final championship in mas-wrestling among police and soldiers of the Interior Forces of Mongolia. Representatives of 31 teams lined up for the opening ceremony.   Several teams fr om remote aimags were unable to arrive due to poor road conditions after two days of heavy snowfall and the need to assist the population.

The final mas-wrestling competitions were held in ten weight categories: among men (235 people) - up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 80 kg, 90 kg, up to 105 kg and over 105 kg, among women (88 people) - up to 55 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 75 kg and over 75 kg.

On the eve of the championship, the seconded referee of the international category in mas-wrestling Yegor Yermolaev from Yakutsk held a seminar for referees and provided practical assistance in refereeing and recording the course of the competition.

Participants were enough to compete with a knockout two days in a row. From 9am to 7pm an uninterrupted stream of physically strong men and women competed to make the best police representatives in the sport.

The Championship Secretariat recorded no violations, all athletes from the police and organizations of the internal troops participated in compliance with order, discipline and ethics.

The cup in the team competition won the Police Department of the Central Aimag - 47 points. The Public Order and Public Safety Authority ranked second with 44. And closed the top three winners team of the Selenginsky District Police Station with 36 points.

According to the decision of the police leadership, the Cup will be transient, as the series of tournaments on the basis of mas-wrestling among the police and the Interior Forces will become traditional and will be expanded!

And now let’s find out the names of the winners of the championship:


1st place: O. Byambatsog - Selenginsky District Police Department.

2nd place: B. Zhamyaandorj - Police Department of Zavkhan region

3rd place: Ts.Davaa - District Department of Internal Affairs of Songinokhairkhansky district

3rd place: B. Namdagdorj - Central Province Police Department.

70 kg

1st place: B. Sukhbat - Ecological Police Department

2nd place: D. Otgonbolor - Central Province Police Department

3rd place: J. Ganbold - Police Department of the Overkhangay Region

3rd place: T. Temursukh - Metropolitan Police Department

80 kg

1st place: Erkulan - OMON

2nd place: Nehiyt - MBA of internal troops

3rd place: Davaajargal - Special Police Service

3rd place: Bayarbat - Central District Police Department

90 kg

1st place: G. Buyanbat - DC-805 of internal troops

2nd place: G. Jamsran - Uvs District Police Department

3rd place: D. Balzhinyam - Department of Special Operations

3rd place: Yu. Budzhav - Gobi-Altai Special Police Service

105 kg

1st place: G. Munkhtemuulen - Police Department of the Central Province.

2nd place: Batjargal - 05th military unit of internal troops

3rd place: Almaz - OMON

3rd place: Puntsag-Ochir - Department of Transport Police

105+ kg

1st place: E. Bayarsaikhan - Metropolitan Police Department

2nd place: B. Sangisuren - Uvurkhangai police department

3rd place: Ts. Bayarzhargal - Provincial Central Police Department

3rd place: Erdenebayar - Bayangol district police department


55 kg

1st place: A. Gereltuya - Transport Police Department

2nd place: E. Oyuungerel - 809th military unit of the internal troops.

3rd place: M. Forget - public order

3rd place: M. Purevdulam - MDShSHUA

65 kg

1st place: N. Bayarmaa - Department of Special Operations.

2nd place: G. Tsermaa - Uvurkhangai police department

3rd place: L. Davaasuren - 810th military unit of internal troops.

3rd place: L. Lhagvasuren - Selenga Police Department

75 kg

1st place: Burmaa - Police Department of the Belarusian Railways

2nd place: Byambajargal - Department of Transport Police

3rd place: Munkhzhargal - MDSSHSUA

3rd place: Odgerel - Gov-sumber Police Department

75+ kg

1st place: A. Chancalnyamaa - Police Department of the Belarusian Railways

2nd place: Ts. Giimaa - Selenge Provincial Police Department

3rd place: Ch. Narantsetseg - Orkhon Police Station

3rd place: B. Baasanzhav - Department of Police of Darkhan Province.

Yakut diamond from the head of Gogo Tekhnolodzhi Dmitry Baishev, vice-president of the Mas-Wrestling Federation of Mongolia, went to the champion in the weight category up to 105 kg, wh ere there were the most participants (41 athletes), Lieutenant G. Munkhtemuulen from the Police Department of the Central Aimag. By the way, we remember him from participation in the World Nomad Games championship last year in Iznik, Turkey.

It’s nice to know that the circle of friends in the club is getting wider and wider. It is hoped that the initiative of Mongolian colleagues will be picked up in other countries, and in the near future we will together hold a championship in mas-wrestling among policemen at the global level.

Thanks to the operator of the Moscow branch of the National Broadcasting Company «Sakha» Viktor Olesov for wonderful videos about the promotion of mas-wrestling in the big world.

International Mas-Wrestling Federation expresses gratitude to general director of the Yakutia Railways JSC Vasily Shimokhin for constant support of all significant events of the Federation. In this case, financial assistance was provided for the assignment of creative group Mas-Film Studio to shoot the championship and further broadcast video reporting to a wide audience around the world.

Author: Лена Томская
Number of shows: 696
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