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The State Sports Museum hosted an autograph session for world champion Semyon Anufriev

World-class athlete of Russia Semen Anufriev today arrived in Moscow and met with young fans of mas-wrestling, who especially arrived to meet the titled athlete on the eve of the Games «Children of Asia».

The meeting was held at the Sports Museum within the walls of the Ministry of Sport of Russia at the exhibition «National sports and cultural traditions of Yakutia». This exhibition was organized by initiative of the Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Leonid Spiridonov and became the first educational platform in Russia, which tells about national sports and traditional holidays. Director of the Russian Sports Museum Alexander Dubinin supported this wonderful idea and the exhibition was opened on May 25.

Exhibits in the colorfully decorated hall of the museum clearly demonstrate the sports traditions of the largest Russian region. Numerous visitors can get acquainted with such sports as mas-wrestling, khapsagai wrestling, jumping through the narta, moving a stone, archery, tutum-ergiir, throwing a tynzian on a trochee, khabylyk and khaamyska. Special attention is paid to the Manchaary Games.

Visitors can learn about the traditional Yakut holiday Ysiakh, where sports competitions between booturs hold. They can also learn about the life of the peoples inhabiting the northern republic, see firsthand the beauty of the national costumes and decorative and applied art objects, which have both an applied and sacral value. A separate hall contains exhibits dedicated to the history of the International Sports Games "Children of Asia".

One of the most famous world mas-wrestling leaders Semen Anufriev these days passing through Moscow and despite his busy, he responded to the museum management’s invitation and spoke about his formation, the difficulties he overcome on the way to the top. The title of world champion today is the highest sports title in the sport of mas-wrestling, which is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. The world championships bring together prepared athletes from all continents and only the best become the highest stage of the pedestal and in their honor plays the national anthem.

Semen’s whole life is connected with sports - from the age of 5 he became interested in checkers, football. Discipline, daily training, tournaments became his way of life. Along with hard physical training, he did not forget to study hard. Semen is convinced that every athlete should be a versatile personality.

Semen wished a kids to engage in sports with pleasure, always in a good mood. Sport is first and foremost strong friendship, strong emotions. The more the athlete is known, the easier it will be for him to achieve other goals after completing his sports career», - said the world champion at the end of the meeting.

Semen has given his autographs to everyone, and gifted the museum his world champion medal, as well as stick for tug with a memorable inscription and his autograph. He was pleased to share his experience of a great athlete and tell about his homeland - Yakutia. Now Semen Anufriev is preparing for a responsible international tournament in Europe. We wish him further success and good luck!

Author: Lena Tomskaya
Photo: Игорь Галутва
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